Thursday 19 May 2011

Dundee - St Andrews - The Royal Connection

            With all the recent furore about the royal wedding between second in line to the thrown and “commoner” Kate Middleton it is perhaps fitting that I jump on the band wagon and discuss Dundee extremely vague connection with the royal couple.

Much was made in Scotland as the couples presence in the preceding years at St Andrews university, just accross the water in the kingdom of fife. St Andrews was founded in 1401 and in the following centuries has went on to become recognised as one of the finest universities in the united kingdom.

The connection between Dundee and St Andrews in Fife began with the construction of the Tay rail Bridge cutting journey times between the two towns. St Andrews looking to increase student numbers and diversify the subjects which it offered decided that with its close proximity to the bussiling industrial town of Dundee would be best served with an academical link in the town. And so it came to be That the University College Dundee was formed.

In 1967 by Royal Charter the University of Dundee claimed its independence and the link between the two institutions ceased to eixist. Although a very imprecise link to recent current affairs and the new Royal couple it is interesting none the less of Dundee Universities connection to that of the Ancient institution of St Andrews University

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